Yes, most extended warranties require regular servicing according to the manufacturer’s recommended schedule. This typically includes oil changes, fluid checks, brake inspections, and other routine maintenance tasks.
All services and maintenance must be carried out by a licensed mechanical workshop of your choosing.
The cost of the service is your responsibility and not payable by this Warranty.
Please keep a record of your Vehicle’s service history by means of the Service Invoice. Ensure it shows the date and odometer reading for each time your Vehicle is serviced. The warranty providers will require proof of Vehicle Service Invoice and maintenance history if you claim under this Warranty
If you exceed the service requirement intervals by more than 30 days or 1,000 kilometres, whichever occurs first, your Warranty becomes inactive, and it may affect your entitlement to make a claim under this Warranty.
If your Warranty becomes inactive due to you not complying with the Servicing Requirements you can apply to us to reactivate your Warranty by obtaining a mechanical inspection report from an Approved Repairer, as evidence that the Vehicle is in good working order.
To maintain your Warranty, you are required to service your vehicle in accordance with the Vehicle Manufacturer’s directions and recommendations.