The Motorbike Level 4 Warranty
The Motorbike Level 4 Warranty is designed to provide assistance with the cost of repair or replacement of certain Listed Components of your Motorbike, due to a Breakdown or Failure.

Quick Facts – Motorbike Level 4
Available on road and trail motorbikes up to 5 years of age.
You are covered up to the Market Value per claim of the repair costs for the mechanical breakdown to the components and parts that were originally covered by the Manufacturers Warranty except for listed exclusions
Coverage: Australia wide
Per claim limit: Up to the Market Value of the motorbike
Unlimited Claims
Benefit Limit: Reimbursement up to $100 per day up to the maximum Claim Limit listed below for car or motorbike hire paid by you and reasonably incurred, if the Motorbike is immobilised for more than 2 days. This coverage also does not include other modes of transport such as Taxi’s, Uber, Train, other forms of public transport.
Up to $500 per claim: Reimburse you up to $150 per day up to the maximum Claim Limit listed on page 11 for accommodation paid by you and reasonably incurred, if the Motorbike is immobilised for more than 1 day and the failure occurs more than 100 kilometres from your usual place of residence
If another Listed Component suffers a Failure as a consequence of the Original Failure we will approve up to $350 per claim.
No Excess
If you sell the Motorbike you can apply to transfer this Warranty to a new owner, provided the transfer occurs within 7 days of the date of sale or transfer of ownership of the Motorbike. It is important to follow these steps to successfully transfer the Warranty
30 days
If you cancel your Warranty on or before 30 days of the Purchase Date and no benefits have been paid out you will receive a full refund of the premium paid.
Period of Cover
Day 1 cover
or when the manufacturer warranty expires
Service Obligations
To maintain your Warranty, the motorbike must be serviced in accordance with the Motorbike Manufacturer’s directions and recommendations.
All services and maintenance must be carried out by a licensed mechanical workshop.
The cost of the service is your responsibility and not payable by the Warranty.
If you exceed the service requirements intervals by more than 30 days or 1,000 kilometres, whichever occurs first, your Warranty becomes inactive, and it may affect your entitlement to make a claim under this Warranty.
If your Warranty becomes inactive you can reactivate it by following the Warranty Reactivation process
The Product Disclosure Statement provides information on what’s covered, your claim limits, exclusions and servicing requirements.
warranty terms available
Click the image below to select the protection your motorcycle deserves with our comprehensive warranty coverage
Motorbike Level 4 -1yr
Motorbike Level 4 - 3yr
Motorbike Level 4 - 5yr
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